Inevitable Wealth Coaching
3350 Township Line Rd.
Drexel Hill, Pa. 19026
Ph. 610-446-4322
Fx. 610-789-4927
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

As An Investor, When Have You Taken Advantage Of?

As An Investor, When Have You Felt Taken Advantage Of?
                     By: Brendan Magee

I recently met with a client who is within 10 to 15 years of retirement who  had a number of investing problems they were dealing with. The problems were bothering them so much they told me they were grinding their teeth at night. The problems were as follows:

1. They had no idea what the brokerage house was doing with their money or if it was in any way helping.

2. Rarely heard from their adviser except when he was calling up to place a trade in her account.

3. Wanted to move their money away from their current broker but was terrified to do so because they had very little investment knowledge and was afraid they would make things worse if the money was moved.

Worst of all though they felt taken for granted. Having been a client for almost 12 years they noticed other advisers inviting people out to dinners or for coffee to say thank you and help their clients have more confidence about their investments. They wondered why their loyalty didn't even warrant a thank you. So they felt taken for granted.

My question is, has there been times in the past when you have felt as an investor your financial adviser was taking you fro granted? Please write back describing the situation and what you did to resolve the situation.

The best story wins a fabulous prize!!

Brendan Magee is the founder and president of Inevitable Wealth Coaching. To respond to the question, submit a question or comment e-mail or call 610-446-4322

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