Inevitable Wealth Coaching
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Drexel Hill, Pa. 19026
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Monday, September 19, 2016

The Pusuit of Happiness, Really?

The Pursuit of Happiness, First You Have To Figure Out What That Is?
     by: Brendan Magee

With all the protesting going on in the country these days, I started to look back to the founding of our country to see is there something I am missing. The Declaration of Independence says that one of our God-given rights is our pursuit of happiness. It doesn't say that we are entitled to be happy, just that we have the right to pursue what ever it is that is going to make us happy. No matter what it is, within the law, we have the right to go after it. We even have the right that if we find what we are pursuing doesn't make us happy to change our minds and pursue something else. Our founding fathers put the responsibility for our happiness in our hands.

So, Are you happy? If the answer is no, not at all, or not as happy as you'd like to be, I am gong to make a suggestion. Perhaps, you need to figure out exactly what it is that will make you happy. I believe you have a much better chance of accomplishing something after you have clearly defined it.

As it relates to investing, this clear definition is a step that most investors unknowingly step over. We call this defining your true purpose for money.  Now, when first asked this question, most respond with the things they want: A million dollars, to retire by age 50, to own the house at the shore, etc. No doubt these are great things, but I have never seen true happiness come from a new car or any amount of money.

When we are asking this question, What is your true purpose for money? We are really asking what is the true purpose for your life? What is it in life that means the most to you? Again, only you would know what that is, and I do not think you could figure that out over a cup of coffee. It would take quite a bit of intentional effort. Hell, I don't think you could figure it out completely on your own.

Without the answer to this question clearly defined, we start spending money, time, energy, passion, and effort in the hope that our efforts will produce happiness. What a great big pain in the you know what to spend so much effort on something in the hope you will achieve something you will like. What are the odds that your efforts will produce something that truly lights you up? What are the odds that after all that effort, money and time not producing something you love that you are not going to be one angry, frustrated and ticked off individual looking for someone, anyone else but your self, to blame?

Imagine going to a job, putting in a full week worth of work in the hope that you will be paid fairly? Could you imagine your state of mind as you went through the week? You could  be imagining the scene at the end of the week where you don't get paid at all. You could be thinking about what you would be telling your family when you couldn't afford to pay the bills. You could be imagining the feeling of powerlessness about not having had a say about how much you'd be paid for all your hard work.  What's fair is worked out in advance of any work being done. Happiness works the same way whether it's life or investing.

There's one more crazy thing about having defined in advance what it is that makes you happy. Pursuing what makes you happy actually makes you a happier person, now. You don't have to wait to be happy. Just start pursuing what makes you happy. Think about. When you are traveling to a  vacation, isn't that among the happiest commutes of the year? Packing and loading up the car aren't great big pains in the neck. It's work that makes you happy. You are excited to go to the beach or the mountains and have some fun with family and friends.One great thing about happiness is that you do not have to have dime one to experience it. Once you have defined it, merely spending time on it produces happiness. Here is one sad note about happiness. Money can't buy it, either.

So here's your opportunity to win a great prize for the first 5 people who respond with an answer to the question, What is it that makes you happy? Just send us an e-mail detailing what is that makes you happy and what it is about that that makes you happy. Keep is to say 100 words or less and you have won your prize.

Brendan Magee is the founder and president of Inevitable Wealth Coaching. To respond to the question, make a comment, or suggestion e-mail or call 610-446-4322.

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